Nicholas Huzsvai
Nicholas Huzsvai Email Interests:

Modern Germany and Austria; modern East Central and Southeastern Europe; intellectual history of radical political movements; conservative revolution; transnational and comparative approaches to fascism; phenomenology of political religion; history of theology; study of folklore, mythology and Religionswissenschaft; history of the human sciences; theories of racism and nationalism; alternative religious movements; Kulturkritik and Kulturpessimismus; Romanticism; theories of anti-capitalism; philosophical anthropology; nineteenth- and early twentieth-century art


Modern Europe


Modern Germany and Austria; modern East Central and Southeastern Europe; intellectual history of radical political movements; conservative revolution; transnational and comparative approaches to fascism; phenomenology of political religion; history of theology; study of folklore, mythology and Religionswissenschaft; history of the human sciences; theories of racism and nationalism; alternative religious movements; Kulturkritik and Kulturpessimismus; Romanticism; theories of anti-capitalism; philosophical anthropology; nineteenth- and early twentieth-century art


The Revenge of Myth Against the God of History: Varieties of Religious Thought in Modern German Scholarship, 1800-1933


"Scientific Progress in the Religious Imagination: Sermons on the Atlantic Telegraph." In The Nineteenth-Century Networked Nation: The Politics of American Technology, 1776–1876, American Studies Seminar, edited by Daniel Klinghard. Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society, 2013.