History of anarchism and radical community organizing; anarchism as practice/lifestyle; labor history; history of everyday and social life; French and Francophone history; comparative urban history and theory, with a focus on Paris and Chicago; history of utopian thought and practice; gender history; political theory
The Right to the Radical City: Public Space, Public History, and Prefigurative Politics in Chicago and Paris, 1870s-1940s
“To ‘Labour with a Greater Sense of Safety’: First Aid, Civic Duty, and Risk Management in the British Working Class, 1870-1914.” Journal of Social History, vol. 54, no. 2 (2020): 526-545. With Alisa Bajramovic, Isabel Miller, Chelsea Pan, Emily Ratté, and Anton Vicente Kliot.
“‘Pure Means’ and the Possibilities of the Past: Walter Benjamin, Strikes, and the Intersections of Theory and History.” Radical Philosophy Review, vol. 23, no. 1 (2020): 5-33.